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Volunteers weed out competition

The fruit tree orchards got some TLC and pampering recently when GlaxoSmithKline volunteers descended on the YEC. Directed by Tchukki Andersen, Staff Arborist for the Tree Care Industry Association and volunteer Orchard Manager at the YEC, nine enthusiastic people went right to work hand pulling weeds and grass that had crept into the fruit tree mulch rings. The mulch rings were placed in March of this year, and had done a great job so far of keeping the weeds at bay.

Weeds and grass that grow right under smaller trees compete for the same space, water, and nutrients that the trees are struggling to find. Grass and weeds are very aggressive and will usually win the battle unless attacked. We are using natural methods to attack the weeds, and composted wood chip mulch laid 3” thick over the entire tree root zone will give the trees natural nutrients to help them grow strong. Over time, the roots will be strong enough to live with the weeds and grass,  so hands and knees weeding will be no longer be a priority.

Until established, though, the tree roots have to put up with grass and weeds, so GlaxoSmithKline came to the rescue. They had the Corona Convoy of wheelbarrows making trips from the wood chip pile to the peach tree orchard, then marched into the apple tree orchard to treat every tree. Everyone gave their all, and the trees are now able to grow more underground.

Here is the hero’s list of volunteers who gave so generously of their time:

Jamie Martin, the Leader of the Pack

Tom Garvey

Scott Ennis

Coralie Bahloul

David Woodward

Diane Teetsel

Elsie Wyman

Meghan York

Jim Yelsits

Many thanks from the happy trees and from all of us at the YEC!


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